Friday, December 31, 2010

Bye Bye 2010 and HELLO 2011!!

As 2010 comes to a close, a lot has happened within a short 365 days.

Lets see... I have moved across the country over 2,000 miles away from family and friends.
I was pink slipped with 20,000 other teachers in Illinois
I enrolled as a Masters student at St. Martin's University in Washington
Brian finished his 1st year of Residency
Brian took and passed his step Threes
Brian visited California for the first time
Brian & I adopted a puppy, Delilah
Brian & I bought all new furntiure
Brian & I got married and just celebrated our 6 month anniversary

So much has happened I am sure this isn't even the half of the day to day experiences! I am so thankful for all of the wonderful things that happened in my life this year and only slightly bitter about all of the bad things that have happened. :)
Here is to hoping that 2011 is a much better year! Full of love, understanding, partnership, and peace. As for big to-dos in 2011 this includes:

Brian & I having our Wedding Reception
Myself hopefully finishing my Masters Degree
Brian's 10 year HS reunion
Brian finishing 2nd year and having a great 1st half of 3rd year.

2011 may also be our last full year in Washington State. We will have to wait and see what 2012 has in store for us for that part.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

School's Out FOR WINTER!!

Well, as of Thursday I was OFFICIALLY done with my first semester of grad school! So far only two out of the three classes grades are in and it looks like all Aces!! HOLLA!! Feeling good and looking forward to the next semester, but lucky for me it is about a month away. Between now and then I need to buy books, take my WEST-B test, and RELAX!! The next semester will consist of 5 classes which maybe a few more hours and a lot more work. This is what I have to look forward to next semester:

1. 4:00 - 5:50 Practicum in Special Education = 90 Observation/ In Field Hours (in addition to class time)
2. 6:20 - 9:30 Legal Issues and Individual Education Plans (IEPs)

1. 3:30 - 6:10 Reading Diagnosis of Special Education Students = Includes Weekly Tutoring
2. 6:20 - 9:30 Transitions to Adulthood for Special Population

1. 6:00 - 8:50 Language Acquisition Methods

Sounds like fun right??? I sure hope so! First day is January 10th and my last day is May 4th! Lots of other events happening between those times, but school will be my #1 focus! I am pumped, but until then I will not be thinking about school! :D

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Tis the Season

Well, I have been home from Thanksgiving Break for about 3 days now and I am all in the swing of things. I am decorating the house for Christmas, I finished one of my classes with a 100% on my final, I have only one class left for my Saturday class, and I have a lot of my stuff done for my Thursday class!! 

I am so glad that both Brian and I are over the flu and that we are starting to be healthy people again!! It's nice not to feel like crap every day!! 

Well, today we cut down our Christmas tree and I must say that it is BEAUTIFUL!! I cannot wait until we get to decorate it tomorrow!!! After that, all we will have left is decorating the outside, which I am hoping to do before Tuesday, since that is when it starts raining again. Unfortunate for my plans... Brian is working the next three days... hmm... maybe I will just hop on the roof myself!! :D