Tuesday, April 29, 2014

2 Month Check-Up

Today was Jude's 2 month check-up (only 10 days after he turned 2 months old... oh well...). He is doing well and is in the 80th percentile in his height, weight, and head circumference. He passed all his milestones, the doctor is impressed by his muscle tone & curiosity, and he got his first real set of immunizations. He got three shots and an oral vaccine and I surprised myself by not crying (though I did tear up a little bit). Poor Jude was so upset and it just broke my heart. He got over it rather quickly and we spent our 15-20 min wait to make sure he didn't have a reaction visiting the nurses at the ED and then the offices. Since being home he has been doing well, eating, and is just snoozing on the couch currently.

In the past few days we have also made movements to my sweet boy growing up. I have finally taken apart his little crib that he was still taking some naps in, boxed up all of his 0-3 month clothes, and he is really moving along on his checklist for milestones. I am so proud of my little boy!

In approximately a week (in the military we are never sure of an exact date) Brian will be home and finally able to meet his son! I am so excited and cannot wait to see them together. I plan to take lots of photos and maybe some video! Soon after that we will be headed to Illinois and Seattle. SO EXCITED!! I'm glad this 8 months is finally coming to a close! :)

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