Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Back in IL

Woo hoo! I'm back in IL and enjoying some much needed time with my family! It was certainly a LONG drive up here with no one to share the driving, but a good experience to prepare for the future of driving while Brian is deployed. I have determined one of two things must happen when I come when Brian leaves. I need to A. not leave until I have had a mandatory 8-10 hours of sleep. (This may require lying to myself about what day I'm leaving). B. I have to stop somewhere mid-way so that I can sleep and continue my journey the next day. The downside with option B is that I will have 2 pup dogs with me, which is difficult for friends/family to deal with and I don't want to be a burden on anyone. 

Brian's party is coming up fast and I feel very ill prepared for it! I feel like there is so much to do, but I guess I don't know what I need to do. Let's see I need to:
- Order the Cake
- Go to Party City for Plates n' Such & Balloons
- Figure out side dishes
- Buy meat for Italian Beef sandwiches
- Buys Buns & other assorted snacks
- Buy Beer & Ice

I guess that is about it... I think... anything else? Anyone? 

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