Monday, March 10, 2014

Single Parent...

So, today was my second day as a single parent (not to say I don't have support from my husband, but meaning I am taking care of Jude alone). It has been a slight adjustment, but luckily for me I tried to take on most of the work of caring for Jude while my mom was still here. I feel like I am being torn in a million different directions and that I have fully changed into a mom. 

I am trying to spread love on the girls as well as Jude, keep the house looking decent, feed myself, and trying to do tummy time with Jude and doing everything I can to help him continue to grow and learn. I have turned into a mom in the aspect that I go to bed (or at least upstairs) at 9 or 10pm and I eat dinner at 5 or 6pm. Oh how our lives have changed since this sweet little one has joined our family. I cannot believe that in two days Jude will be 3 weeks old! HOLY COW! Time is really starting to fly with Jude around and I am hoping that before I know it Brian will be home and our little family will be complete. 

Loving my life, loving the warm weather, and loving that I can get stuff done while my little one snoozes! I just hope all this snoozing today doesn't mean a rough night ahead... 


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