Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Keeping Jude Close...

I wonder if at times we keep our children too close or if we expose them too much. I feel like we are either at one extreme or the other most days. In today's society we are posting photos of our children all over the internet and n matter what security features we have those photos can be accessed if a person really wanted to. On the other hand there are those who do not want photos of their children taken in any circumstance (i.e. at school, for yearbooks, etc.) I wonder where the line will be for our dear son Jude. I struggle when people take photos of him that I don't particularly want taken (such as when changing his diaper). I don't think these are appropriate photos that anyone needs to take or have for any reason. 

All of this comes up due to an incident that took place on Sunday. For Father's Day Jude and I took Brian out to his favorite place for lunch (Chipotle). For those of you who have been there you know there is a line process to get your food. So, while waiting in the line a lady behind us (age mid 60's approximately) commented to us how cute our son was, I thanked here and made sure she was able to get a good look at him. I turned back around and was waiting in line when I turned to say something to Brian when I noticed something... The gentleman that the aforementioned lady was with (approximately the same age) was taking a photo of my son with his iPhone. I couldn't believe it and I quickly moved Jude out of camera site and in front of my body. I just didn't know what to do or say. Why would someone take a photo of our son? Someone we didn't know... Someone who will never see us again... What is the purpose? Why doesn't someone know better? 

What would you have done? Should I have said something? I can only hope that the reason this person took this photo is not sinister... 

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